Monday, March 24, 2014

Mixing It Up this Monday!

Hey there you lovely people! I hope you had a wonderful weekend! Ok, today I totally stepped out of my "comfort zone" and make my very first apron! I was so totally inspired by THIS APRON that Nana @ My Crafting Channel made from a pair old jeans, I just had to give it a try! I had such fun making this cute little apron from...yep, a pair of old jeans! Yay!
I simply cut the jeans like so and sewed some cute pink buttons on the pockets and white lace trim along the bottom, then ran a wide polka dot print ribbon through the 3 loops and tied it in the back to make my apron "strings" How easy is that!
There is also a quick tutorial on whipping up an apron from a t-shirt! Oh. So. Cool. Check it out HERE
If making an apron appeals to you, here's another incentive--there's a challenge going on right now over at 2 Creative Chicks Blog- challenge #12, Make An Apron, which of course, I'm entering! :)
Thanks so much for stopping by! It's the nicest day of the year so far here in Seattle, 63! Here's wishing you a bright and sunny day!!!


  1. OMG Linsey I love it. Love the added lace what a cute touch. Thanks for linking up over at 2 Creative Chicks

    Have a creative day.
    ♥ My Crafting Channel ♥
    ♥ Nana's Rag Quilts ♥
    ♥ 2 Creative Chicks ♥
    ♥ Silhouette Challenges ♥

  2. Shut the front door.....Linsey this is AWESOME my friend!!! WOW WOW WOW I just LOVE it!! What a cool idea to use a pair of old jeans and I just think your added touches make this AMAZING!!!!
    You ROCKED this project!!!!

  3. That is a really great idea and you rocked the project!

  4. Super cute jean skirt Linsey! Love the lace trim!

  5. What a fabulous idea, very clever
    Hugs julie P

  6. Too Cute, Awesomeness. hope your have a great week friend.

  7. That's adorable! I made a no-sew apron out of a tea towel a couple of months ago.

  8. Oh my goodness I LOVE it!!!! This is the cutest thing I've ever seen from a pair of jeans!!!! =)

  9. I'm sorry. This just won't work for's TOO cute! I'd be afraid I'd get something on it if I used it! This is so creative and adorable. If I had any sewing talent what-so-ever I'd try making one. Great job!


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